Employment Legislation Matters - an overview
Employment legislation, rules, regulations and case law can be confusing at best, but often when you’re up against deadlines and other commercial realities, it’s usually a minefield. Well, it doesn’t have to be!
In theory, the relationship between you and your employees is a straightforward and reasonable transaction – you give money and benefits in return for work and/or services performed, end of story.
In practice, difficulties and pitfalls leading to legal challenges can arise at every stage of the employment relationship:
Advertising and interviewing - Yes really! Even before recruitment has taken place
Selection and appointment - Aagh! How to reject unsuccessful applicants legally
Induction, probationary periods - Are they needed? Yes, to address mistakes,
under performance or even terminate, promptly
Managing performance - Why bother? Avoid costly challenges and
mutinous staff
Promotion, succession planning - Head off disputes and grievances
Restructuring, reorganisation, redeployment, redundancy - minimise your
exposure to risk
Ending employment - It’s not fair! Keep employment tribunals at bay
After employment - Oops! Should have ensured company confidentiality
issues or garden leave earlier