Technical writing
We spend a lot of time at organic hr writing stuff, lots of stuff!
It always requires a thorough knowledge of legislation, case law, regulations, sector specific good practice, technical information
and client requirements. Whatever we write has to be clear, concise, accurate and in a style that reflects our clients’ needs and brands. Most importantly though, it has to be easily understandable and usable by the lucky people who are destined to read it! Whilst it has to be fit for purpose, it does not have to be dull, dry and boring. Some of the things we write . . .
contracts of employment – these must be unambiguous, clearly setting out the realities of both statutory and company requirements and tailored to the individual and their job role
staff manuals – have to be informative and usable by both
managers and staff
policies – should set out the principles your organisation
believes in and works to
procedures – must correctly reflect responsibilities, processes
and how to do them
(work) instructions – set out a step-by-step guide on how to
perform particular tasks
investigation reports – must be factual, even-handed and
comprehensive (their contents can end up in a tribunal)
witness statements – must contain accurate wording
audit reports – have to document findings and highlight
issues having a bearing on scope and assessment criteria
technical briefings – complex matters have to be delivered straightforwardly to achieve compliance
letters / emails – should be concise conveyors of relevant, structured information, without waffle
We do not feel that you should receive generic templates; organic hr believes you deserve tailored and visually appealing documentation that reflects your brand, your values and your culture.