Management training
We are proud of our track record in the design, development and delivery
of a wide range of management training. Coaching and on-going
management support often follows on with managers post-training.
organic hr works closely with organisations and their managers to
understand business needs and aspirations. We then translate this into
tailored refreshers, sessions, workshops, courses, programmes or
events that enable your people to deliver improvements and change
back in their working environment. Whatever will work for your staff,
we will design it!
Our training is always ‘learner centred’ - working at a pace and level
which will suit your staff and your culture.
However, we also recognise that training is not a silver bullet for
achieving growth and change, which is why we work hard to ensure
that any learning activity is aligned with your other business processes to gain
maximum benefit and success from the investment you have made.
We’d love to have the opportunity to talk with you about training and development and show you what we can do.