Performance management & appraisal systems
Performance management is exactly what it says on the tin. It’s about getting all those different people, with different skills and different behaviours and different outlooks to do the right activities in the right way, whilst ensuring that every individual understands how every activity they undertake contributes and makes a difference to their organisation’s success. Easy, yes?? "I don't think so" is probably what you're politely thinking!
organic hr believes that performance management shouldn't be seen
as yet another bureaucratic HR process that stops managers from doing
their jobs. It's simply another name for good people management and
it should be embedded into everything a manager does.
Good performance management incorporates three key areas:
1. Identifying and addressing needs at individual, team and
organisational levels
2. Providing development, focusing on continual learning and
improvement and bringing about changes in behaviour
3. Managing behaviour, providing feedback and encouraging the
right behaviours that foster good practice
Simply introducing an annual appraisal system is not going to do the trick; neither do we want to turn your organisation upside down with multiple processes, practices and pieces of paper that take the focus away from the job in hand. Instead, we’ll listen to what you want to achieve, and using our expertise and experience, provide a tailored, practical solution that will make sense to your managers and your staff. We can help you implement it too.